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Jailed politicians decide elections: Congressman [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 04:24 PM
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Jailed politicians decide elections: Congressman
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Jailed politicians decide elections: Congressman
Thursday, 25 August 2011 07:08
Sarah Cast

Politicians jailed in La Picota prison in Bogota for ties with paramilitaries can effectively elect candidates in the upcoming elections, Senator Ivan Cepeda claimed Wednesday during an inspection of prisons across Colombia.

According to the Polo Democratic senator, the para-political prisoners in the Pabellon maximum-security section of La Picota prison are currently able to manipulate the October elections for offices like mayor and governor, Caracol Radio reported.

“It is clear that the R-South (division) of La Picota prison committed all sorts of irregularities and has many comforts, for this it is convenient that the democratic government should transfer (a detainee) to this prison,” Cepeda said.

Cepeda insisted that the government and relevant authorities investigate this case of corruption in the “La Picota Resort.”
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