Chilean helicopter today was intercepted by Peruvian combat planes and ordered to land at airport at Arequipa (southern Peru).
Helicopter carried two pilots and belongs to Chilean civilian air transport company FASA.
Pilots said they had permission to fly to the city of Nazca, Peru, but strayed off course and neared Arequipa. Peru has an Air Force base there with modern French warplanes. Nazca is about 250 miles north of Arequipa.
Investigation ongoing about where the helicopter was going and why.
(Another one of the flaps that flare up periodically between Chile/Peru and Chile/Bolivia. There will be some noise in the Peruvian press, but doubt anything will come of this.)

The question among Peruvian commenting on the story is how in the hell was the helicopter NOT detected by air defense radar until it neared Arequipa, which is pretty deep into southern Peru.