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Reply #1: Pinera's been out to provoke conflict from the beginning. [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 02:08 AM
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1. Pinera's been out to provoke conflict from the beginning.
He couldn't even wait til after his inauguration to cancel Michele Bathelet's agreement with Bolivia (giving Bolivia access to the sea, at long last)! He was right there with pen in hand writing "XXX" over that peaceful policy before he even took office. What a jerk he turned out to be! Now he's doing this crap to Peru--which I don't for a minute think was an "accident." He's doing it because Peru elected a Leftist government. He's following a corporate agenda here (which I'm seeing in the early 2008 US embassy cables on Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil) of exploiting any weak points within or between countries, in order to destroy the cooperative spirit that the Leftist leaders have created. It's a "divide and conquer" tactic that the U.S. and multinational corporations share with the rightwing. One of its tenets is to make trouble for trouble's sake. And it is a very visible, crude Bushwhack tactic, which could be seen clearly in the instigated social chaos and terror in Iraq after the invasion, and we see also in the social chaos and murders in Colombia, Honduras and on the Mexican border. Trouble, violence and terror = opportunity. I'm afraid that Pinera is looking more like a Bushwhack every day.
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