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Reply #3: Looks like a mistake by the pilots .... [View All]

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 10:18 PM
Response to Original message
3. Looks like a mistake by the pilots ....

First the rumors:

Some Chileans saying it could have been an incident to divert attention from yesterday's massive nationwide strike against the Pinera administration.

In Lima, Peruvians are pissed that the helicopter was not detected sooner after overflying deep into southern Peru. Peruvian air force under criticism.

The helicopter, which was flying from Concepcion (southern Chile) to Lima apparently was under contract to a Madrid, Spain company named CoyotAir, which does mining exploration in Peru. If that is true, the Spaniards will probably smooth things over.

As of now it appears the helicopter's pilots strayed too far into Arequipa air space, although that has been questioned because the head pilot is a retired Chilean Air Force major. The pilots originally told Peruvian investigators that they had been given the wrong flying coordinates by mistake.

Don't think anything further will come of this.

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