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3,000 march against poverty in central Colombia [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 01:07 AM
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3,000 march against poverty in central Colombia
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3,000 march against poverty in central Colombia
Thursday, 25 August 2011 15:44
James Bargent

Nearly 3,000 residents of Puerto Gaitan in the central Colombian Meta department marched through the town to demand a solution to the area’s social problems, Caracol Radio reported on Thursday.

The protest, which was organized by the church, called for authorities to take action to address the increase in poverty and overpopulation.

One resident of 45 years, Isabel Novoa, told Caracol Radio that the arrival of big oil companies to the area had brought with it an increase in poverty due to increasing food, transport and housing prices.

She also claimed displaced people from all over the country had come to the area looking for work, leading to clashes with locals also hoping for jobs.
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