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Venezuelan Journalist Freed Pending Trial [View All]

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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 04:06 AM
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Venezuelan Journalist Freed Pending Trial
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CARACAS – Venezuelan journalist Dinorah Giron, jailed last weekend after the magazine where she works as an editor was barred from publishing, has been freed pending trial, her attorney said.

The case stems from a story in newsweekly 6to Poder that included a photo montage in which the heads of senior female officials were superimposed on the bodies of cabaret dancers.

Giron “was accused of humiliation, instigation of hatred and slander,” defense lawyer Gisela Rodriguez said Tuesday.

Last Saturday, 6to Poder, a magazine critical of leftist President Hugo Chavez, published on its cover the photo montage under the title “Las poderosas de la Revolution” (The powerful women of the Revolution).
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