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Check it out. Anti Chavez media asked for US funding. [View All]

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-27-11 12:41 PM
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Check it out. Anti Chavez media asked for US funding.
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Edited on Sat Aug-27-11 12:41 PM by EFerrari
Caracas, Feb.23.10

Summary: In separate meetings with the Ambassador between February 17-19, several of Venezuela's major private media XXXXXXXXXXXX acknowledged that relentless Venezuelan Government (GBRV) pressure against their television and print outlets has threatened to put them out of business. XXXXXXXXXXXX, confirmed the allegations of Globovision's outgoing director, XXXXXXXXXXXX, that threats from senior GBRV officials had forced them to fire XXXXXXXXXXXX and to tone down Globovision's strongly anti-Chavez orientation. In a separate conversation, XXXXXXXXXXXX asserted that due to the paper's substantial loss of advertising revenue from companies that had either been nationalized or been threatened by the GBRV, the paper would go out of business by April without substantial financial assistance. XXXXXXXXXXXX asked the Ambassador whether the U.S. could provide such assistance. End Summary.

Not only does State clearly admit these people are antigovernment but they pass on their request for funding.

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