that the U.S. is the refuge for such scoundrels, murderers and war criminals!
We have enough of the home-grown variety--publishing books, giving speeches, lying some more, fawned over by the media, enjoying posh digs, the best foods, servants, luxury vacations, multiple homes, chauffeurs, Secret Service Protection, fat pensions paid for by you and me, billions in booty from their government gigs, while...
--the poor, whom they shat upon, go to prison, in record numbers, for long, cruel periods of time, for minor possession or sale of drugs, for prostitution, for stealing a pack of cigarettes or a soda...
--and all of us pay, pay and pay some more for the horrors they inflicted on others, at our expense and at the cost of good name as a country.
Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada must feel right at home.