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Reply #1: Yup, everybody's out to get Mob Boss Uribe for running Colombia like Murder, Inc. [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-02-11 01:28 PM
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1. Yup, everybody's out to get Mob Boss Uribe for running Colombia like Murder, Inc.
That's how justice works in a society that is trying to recover from Mob Rule and become a decent society again--investigations go forward on many fronts (NGOs, journalists, prosecutors, legislative commissions, et al), and those who survive assassination attempts and aren't cowed by death threats perpetrated by the Mob that has been running the country, publish their findings and prosecutions and other legal actions proceed, to dismantle the Mob.

It's no small irony that Uribe's henchmen are accusing NGO president president Leon Valencia of "clashing with Uribe"--as anybody with spine and character and the ability to investigate--should be doing in Colombia. It is a very dangerous thing to do, to "clash" with Uribe. Many have died who have dared to do so. AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM. It is NOT "bias" to oppose Al Capone! And Uribe was like a hundred--nay, a thousand--Al Capones!

THOUSANDS of innocent people were murdered by his spying/death squad organization. Uribe election fraud has been described as "sordid in the extreme" by Fr. Javier Giraldo Moreno, S.J., one of the most notable human rights advocates in Colombia, in Uribe's home base of Antioquia (location of Medellin). And his descriptions of atrocities committed by Uribe's Mob are hair-raising.** Some one hundred of Uribe's closest political cronies are under investigation or already in jail for drug trafficking, ties to the death squads, bribery, election fraud, land theft, ponzie schemes and other crimes. Currently, his spy organization, DAS, is under investigation for spying on everybody--including judges and prosecutors--and is suspected of preparing "hit lists" for the death squads. Recent testimony indicates that Uribe was getting millions in aid money from the U.S./Bush Junta, as well as equipment and technical assistance, for illegal domestic spying, with an American go-between who was reporting directly to the U.S. embassy on Uribe's spying operation. The two Mobs--the Uribe Mob and the Bush Mob--were working together and one can only imagine what their main purpose was (my guess: consolidation and control of the trillion+ dollar cocaine revenue stream).

The first paragraph of the OP is garbled and I wish you would straighten it out and give some context. I'm guessing that Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez Maldonado has sided with Uribe in this controversy--and that makes him automatically suspect, in my book, of connections to Uribe's criminal organization. The fact (if it is a fact) that the NGO "held legal discussions with actors who have interests in this debate" seems immaterial. Of course they had "legal discussions." They were doing an investigation with legal implications! I'm not sure I understand what this ruling was, nor if it makes any sense.


**Letters of Fr. Javier Giraldo Moreno, S.J.:
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