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Reply #3: Thanks for the info! [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-02-11 08:45 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thanks for the info!
Fr. Giraldo also says that Uribe put criminals and drug traffickers into public offices--in addition to extremely sordid election fraud and horrible atrocities such as murder and torture committed by his criminal organization. And Uribe's Mob connections go way back to the beginning of his career.

Like rightwing criminals here, they're as good at whining as they are at murder, torture, terror, bullying, theft, lying, spying and election fraud. What a malignancy this Mob is, there and here!

It looks like they have gotten to the Inspector General. I sure hope that isn't true. He really doesn't have a point, as far as I can see. Knowing what we know about Uribe from other sources, I think it's pretty likely that the NGO's investigation and report is very careful-- scrupulous, cautious--and doesn't tell half the story of Uribe's network of political henchmen and thugs, criminals in public office and gross misuse of government powers to cheat, steal, spy on people and kill them--and then using government powers to cover it up and get away with it. Fr. Giraldo talks about the extreme misuse of the justice system, under Uribe, to falsely convict and to cover up crimes. So this MOB really has Rumfeldian arrogance to complain about who is investigating them.

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