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Reply #2: I agree. I remember the same crap about "communism" from the 1950s to the [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-11 08:49 PM
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2. I agree. I remember the same crap about "communism" from the 1950s to the
1980s, and even today regarding the "communist threat" from Cuba and they throw in the Chavez government in Venezuela, which is NOT "communist." What is the threat? Universal free medical care? Universal free education? A government that puts people first?

Communism and socialism are only threats to the kleptomaniac rich elite and their global corporations and war profiteers. This elite has proven, time and again, since at least the Reagan era, that they have no loyalty to the people of the U.S. or other capitalist countries and couldn't care less if we die of untreated medical conditions or die of starvation on the streets in the millions. They DON'T CARE. So why should WE care what THEY are afraid of--sharing the wealth?

Now they've made "Islamic terrorists" into the great bugga-boo. It is exactly the same paradigm, with exactly the same result of making the richer richer and the rest of us jobless, homeless, unable to pay our bills, or teetering precariously over that precipice, with NO say over government policy, not even a gesture toward government "of, by and for" the people any more, and vast unemployment in poor areas, with the only choice for many young people being to become cannon fodder for their oil wars.

We have been sold another set of lies--but the purpose is the same.

Now, somebody's likely to jump in here and say, "What about Stalin?" or "What about 9/11?" I am NOT saying that there were not grave human rights abuses in some communist countries, but these were no more hideous than those of Nazi Germany, which was virulently anti-communist, and were no different, in fact, than U.S.-supported genocide in Guatemala in the 1980s, for instance, where TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Mayan villagers were slaughtered by a military that was trained at the U.S. Army "School of the Americas" and had Reagan regime complicity and encouragement.

"Communism" is an utterly meaningless word in this context, just as "Islamic terrorists" is an utterly meaningless phrase in the context of U.S. "shock and awe" bombing of Baghdad and the slaughter of 100,000 innocent Iraqis in the first weeks of bombing alone.

I am not condoning ANYONE's atrocities. ANY political/economic system can go bad for many reasons. But how were murdering leftist leaders in Africa, in South America, in Vietnam and other places, where the left offered social justice, related to Stalin, who was long DEAD when these continuing U.S./CIA murders were committed and when covert and overt wars against "communism" were commenced, with new leaders in Russia who were appalled at what Stalin had done, who feared nuclear Armageddon and who wanted repproachment with the West?

All paths to peace were abandoned following the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, and we have been at war ever since, and when the Soviet Union collapsed and China went weird-hybrid-capitalist, our corporate rulers and war profiteers had to INVENT a NEW threat to replace "communism."

I am not denying or condoning Islamic terrorist acts. They are real enough, but they still don't amount to a hill of beans compared to the world class atrocities that WE have committed--200,000 in Guatemala, TWO MILLION in Southeast Asia, plus over 55,000 U.S. soldiers' lives lost, 100,000 in Iraq in the U.S. bombings and many more--probably a million, all told--dead from our invasion, occupation, imprisonment, torture and deliberately instigated social mayhem, tens of thousands of innocents murdered in Colombia with $7 BILLION in U.S. funding and the U.S. military on the ground providing "training" and "technical assistance," and untold numbers of deaths and atrocities by U.S. covert or overt forces or U.S.-supported dictatorships throughout Latin America, in the Middle East and elsewhere.

It is utter madness and utter hypocrisy to destroy our constitution, our civil and human rights, our solvency, our economy, our well-being and our very souls, with militarism, war profiteering, and a vast security state and vast world military/security apparatus, to police a few Islamic terrorists. The U.S. power elite today is turning everyone who disagrees with U.S. domination, militarism and "the security state" INTO a "terrorist" just as the U.S. power elite turned everyone who favored social justice in the 1950s to 1980s into a "communist."

In South America, Bush Junta operative Alvaro Uribe in Colombia--more than likely with help from Rumsfeld's "Office of Special Plans"--MANUFACTURED phony "evidence" to accuse several leftist presidents of South American countries of "supporting terrorists." How convenient this is! How convenient!

Same excuse used in the 1960s to 1980s to TORTURE and ASSASSINATE leftist leaders!

Frankly, I think we have to face the fact that the Bush Junta did a complete turnaround of reality. Not only were they using terrorist acts to foment militarism and the "security state" and the rich getting richer, they were COOPERATING with terrorists to COMMIT terrorist acts, to MANUFACTURE the excuse for their godawful crimes. Just like Hitler did.

"Terrorism" is a shibboleth--just like "communism" was. It is an EXCUSE to oppress us and everyone else. This is what UNreal government does. It turns things on their heads, turns them inside out, turns government and society into "Alice in Wonderland." Good government addresses problems in a reasonable manner--in a manner appropriate to the threat. The Bush Junta, with policies that continue to this day, was bad, BAD, BAD government--government that murders and steals on a massive scale and not one word that comes out of their mouths is true. They rule by PROPAGANDA--lies told over and over and over again. And their biggest lie of all was that THEY were the answer to "Islamic terrorism" and not the cause; that WE should fear "islamic terrorists" and not THEM.

And U.S. military and security forces are STILL out there--this time, in Brazil--trying to sell this lie to people who long ago stopped believing U.S. lies--that they have to give up their rights, that they have to spend billions on militarism and "security," that they have to join another U.S. war on the poor--cuz guess who suffers from U.S. wars--on "communism," on "drugs," on "terrorism"? The poor, everywhere. And who profits? U.S. global corporations, banksters, war profiteers and the super-rich. The Brazilians know this. And they have a good government, run by Leftists, elected and re-elected and elected again--a government "of, by and for" the people. They are on to us and they will not buy this crap any more. And they have furthermore helped unite the entire continent against U.S. crap and for Latin American independence, social justice and peace. They don't want our wars. They don't want our dictation. They don't want our hatreds. They don't want our vast social injustice and infliction of injustice on others. They don't want our bullshit about "austerity" and deregulation and privatization. They know better. They know what all that is REALLY about and they won't have it. And the beauty of it is, they and their allies across South America are PROSPERING in every way, for having jettisoned U.S. domination and dictates.
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