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New evidence of US role in wiretapping scandal [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 04:16 PM
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New evidence of US role in wiretapping scandal
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New evidence of US role in wiretapping scandal
Monday, 05 September 2011 11:56
Natalie Dalton

New evidence has appeared that suggests the United States embassy provided espionage equipment to the Colombian intelligence agency DAS that was used in illegal wiretapping operations, reported Colombian news source Noticias Uno.

Investigators discovered a PowerPoint presentation put together by the DAS Director of Interior Intelligence that outlined the ways in which they were supported by the United States government.

The presentation showed that the U.S Embassy and the DAS worked together as a group called UTAC, which was “created in February 2005, by means of a verbal agreement between the DAS and the American Embassy."

It also asserted "all of the activity of this group is oriented towards the fight against terrorist organizations, and on that condition all of the technical and economic resources have been provided by the government of the United States."

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