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Reply #2: Uribe does not have to tesify in Drummond case [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 01:15 AM
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2. Uribe does not have to tesify in Drummond case
Uribe does not have to tesify in Drummond case
Friday, 09 September 2011 06:51
Toni Peters

A Washington D.C. federal judge decided former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe does not have to testify in the case against coal giant Drummond, Colombian media reported Thursday.

Judge John Bate recognized the immunity Uribe had requested from the U.S. State Department. Therefore it was ruled that he could not be called as a witness in the trial against the coal giant.

According to the judge, the plaintiffs are seeking "information related to illegal activity" from Uribe. As Uribe is not a defendant in the case, he can not be forced to testify, the judge ruled.

Victims of paramilitary violence accuse Drummond of having paid the AUC between 1999 and 2005, a period during which 116 civilians were killed, in the northern Colombian department of Cesar where the coal giant operates. According to the victims, Uribe has knowledge about the alleged relations between the coal company and the paramilitaries.
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