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Home » Discuss » Places » Latin America Donate to DU
Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 04:02 PM
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Edited on Tue Sep-06-11 04:06 PM by Judi Lynn
Uribe aides called to trial over illegal wiretapping
Tuesday, 06 September 2011 12:05
Alice Boyd

Colombia's Supreme Court calls former President Alvaro Uribe's former chief of staff and former intelligence chief to trial to respond to allegations they ordered the illegal wiretapping of government opponents.

According to Colombian media, the former director of Colombia's intelligence agency DAS, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, and the former chief of staff under ex-president Alvaro Uribe, Bernado Moreno, will be required to face court on September 13. Both have been charged with conspiracy, unlawful violation of communications, abuse of public office and fraud.

Hurtado, who fled to Panama before the Supreme Court charged her, has also been charged with embezzlement and falsifying public documents.

Moreno has spent the last month awaiting trial behind bars.

The two former officials have been barred from holding public office for 18 years because of their alleged role in the illegal wiretapping of supreme court magistrates, politicians, journalists and human rights activists.
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