to organize and win elections in Argentina and all over Latin America--where the Leftist democracy movement has swept elections over the last decade--in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras (until the U.S.-supported coup) and other places--with war criminals like this still embedded in positions of power and fascists getting support and funding from the U.S. government. It has take a HUGE peaceful uprising of the People, massive grass roots organization and motivation and passionate commitment to change, and it has taken overcoming immense suffering and grief.
It is something WE need to do--overcome our disempowerment and our grief, throw out the rigged corporate voting machines (--the way the Left won in Latin America was to FIRST attend to the honesty of the vote counting) and get reform under way, and start purging the war criminals, war profiteers and other corpo-fascist malefactors from our government.
THINK of all the judges that war criminals Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld put in power, for instance. We will be cursed with their rulings for decades to come. It's deeper and wider than just the judges, though. We have had the CIA running things since they murdered JFK, and even though they had a bit of a spat with Cheney-Rumsfeld, they are back in the saddle today, with Panetta and Petraeus playing musical chairs as they end that little internal war and get everybody back on the same page, for a more efficient war machine.
We have BIG problems that often look insoluble--but I'm sure that, ten years ago, there were plenty of Latin Americans who felt despair and who could not have envisioned the remarkable, transformed political landscape of today in LatAm. We need to take heart from this--and learn important lessons from it (such as the importance of honest, transparent vote counting). It CAN be done. Latin America is showing us the way.