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Is $29 billion missing from Hugo Chavez's Fonden development fund? [View All]

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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 09:35 AM
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Is $29 billion missing from Hugo Chavez's Fonden development fund?
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The sequence of how this spreadsheet came about was somewhat unclear, the congressman saying that there was some $29 billion, give or take a billion, simply missing.

He made this discovery when he added all of the numbers provided by Minister of Finance Jorge Giordani and realizing the total was different, the minister saying $69 billion had been approved for projects, but the addition of the numbers totaling only about $40 billion.

Blogger Quico at Caracas Chronicles then decided to call the deputy’s assistant to see if we could obtain the original information. But it just so happens that 21st Century Socialism uses 19th or 20th century tools.
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