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Venezuela donates USD 22 million for Gambia's power grid [View All]

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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 06:53 AM
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Venezuela donates USD 22 million for Gambia's power grid
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The Venezuelan government donated USD 22 million to Gambia, intended to finance the revamping of its power grid and improve its energy supply service, said Monday Lang Sabally, the project leader.

The funding of the rural electrification project should make possible "the revamping, overhaul, and extension of the power grid in the capital Banjul and its surroundings," Sabally told a press conference.

The donation will also allow Gambian authorities to install streetlights in some sectors of the capital, AFP reported.

I'm sure venezuelans suffering through blackouts are happy about this.
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