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'Cruel right hand' of Paraguayan dictator dies [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-11 01:22 AM
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'Cruel right hand' of Paraguayan dictator dies
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'Cruel right hand' of Paraguayan dictator dies
AP – 11 hrs ago
The Associated Press

ASUNCION, Paraguay -- A former Paraguayan interior minister known as the "cruel right hand" of the late dictator Alfredo Stroessner has died. Sabino Montanaro was 89.

Human rights activist Martin Almada says Montanaro died Saturday night at his home in the capital of Asuncion. Paraguayan news media also reported the death. Montanaro's family doesn't speak to the news media.

Montanaro served in Stroessner's government from 1963 to Feb. 3, 1989, when the dictator was overthrown by a military coup after 35 years in power. Montanaro fled to Honduras and didn't return until 2009.

A judge sentenced him to house arrest on charges related to the killing of government opponents in the 1970s and '80s.
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