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FARC hijack medical aid for endangered Colombian tribe [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-11 07:21 AM
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FARC hijack medical aid for endangered Colombian tribe
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FARC rebels have hijacked a boat with medical aid for the near-extinct Nukak indigenous tribe in the south of Colombia, placing the nomadic members of the tribe "in extreme danger," NGO Survival International said Monday.

According to the NGO, guerrillas stopped a humanitarian mission led by indigenous rights organization ONIC in August and forced the medical staff on board to abandon their supplies, which included stretchers, surgical equipment and computers.

Becca Stenham of Survival International told Colombia Reports the crew was given 20 minutes to abandon the area and was forced to leave behind the only boat the ONIC has to provide aid to the nomadic members of the Nukak, .

According to Stenham, the ONIC are now left without means to deliver medical care to the members of the tribe living in the jungle which "places an even greater risk of extinction on the Nukak."

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