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Ecuador: Shiwiar Nation Stands Up [View All]

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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-11 07:53 AM
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Ecuador: Shiwiar Nation Stands Up
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Few Ecuadorians, even the indigenous community, know about the Shiwiar. Their history is not included in most school text books. Even the Secretariat for Ecuadorian Peoples and Social Movements, a government office, describes them in just a few lines.

There are just 727 people in the Shiwiar nation, and they are at risk of disappearing altogether as President Rafael Correa promotes an expansion of the oil industry in their Amazon homeland.


Last March, Correa’s government said it would open a new round of proposals for oil exploration in the area, which would affect Shiwiar lands and, again, the Sarayaku people. The government is trying to reach agreements with oil companies operating in the northern Peruvian Amazon nearby to transfer Ecuadorian crude. Italian oil company Agip has demonstrated interest in the project on the so-called Block 10, in Shiwiar territory.

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