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House president warns for ICC intervention in paramilitary processes . [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-11 05:21 PM
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House president warns for ICC intervention in paramilitary processes .
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House president warns for ICC intervention in paramilitary processes .
Monday, 12 September 2011 14:42 Natalie Dalton

Colombia's House president on Monday announced an "emergency plan" to speed up the prosecution of demobilized paramilitaries, warning for a possibly imminent intervention of the International Criminal Court.

House Simon Gaviria Muñoz indicated that out of 34,000 cases only four had been ruled on, showing the urgent need for reform.

Muñoz said that the law "has been ineffective and we need a new framework to redefine it." The lawmaker stressed that Colombia is "on the verge of the International Criminal Court entering Colombia."

Muñoz also stressed the need to prioritize certain paramilitary cases to speed up the justice processes, saying, "we can not treat them all the same because some cases were massacres and others were chicken and vehicle robberies."

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