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Venezuela losing doctors because low salaries, insecurity in hospitals, inadequate infrastructure [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 07:48 AM
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Venezuela losing doctors because low salaries, insecurity in hospitals, inadequate infrastructure
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Tired of low wages, alarmed by the insecurity prevailing in hospitals and disappointed at the inadequate staffing and infrastructure faced by health centers in the state, in the last year have migrated to other countries twice as many doctors that form the core Aragua.Así universities reported by the President of the College of Physicians of Aragua state, Angel Sarmiento, who said in the last year have moved the body a total of 600 doctors, a figure which it considers “alarming” because between the University of Carabobo and Aragua-Core Romulo Gallegos, 300 doctors graduate annually. “twice is migrating physicians who are forming,” said Sarmiento, arguing that the main reasons that force physicians recently graduated from universities and many have years of graduates migrate to other countries is the low salaries, poor staffing and infrastructure and the “psychological abuse and work of the doctors who are victims.”
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