I don't have any particular desire to learn Arabic and I am not particularly interested in the inner workings of the Arab League. Local Yemeni or Jordanian politics or news in general I have no interest. I have an interest in Latin America, lived and worked there, travel there, speak Spanish, thus you will find me here. but why would the US media cover Latin America over Arab nations or Africa or Asia? they are going to report on issues of interest to Americans.
I am not too interested in Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, or Charlie Sheen either. So you have the internet, if you want to search for info you can search on any subject that interests you for news. Spanish language media is going to have the news on local matters first and foremost in the countries where they live. Large international Spanish corporate media have stories on latin america first and foremost. You understand the language and you will be able to tap into those local sources for detailed info rather than more cursory info from ENglish media.
Now there are plenty of sites that cover latin america news in English. Its the internet use it. why wait for stories about CELAC to apppear on the front page of the NY Times. no one cares about that. CELAC is about as relevant as the OAS but you can do a google search to your heart's delight.
here is the most recent story I found on CELAC from Radio Havana, July 29 Chavez Suggests CELAC Summit for December
http://www.radiohc.cu/ing/news/world/1819-chavez-suggests-celac-summit-for-december.htmlso they've done nothing yet and you want the media to report on that??