on September 14, 2011 • Filed under: Agriculture, Bolivia, Brazil, Latin America Indigenous Issues
Indians oppose the construction of a route segment that the Bolivian government funded building projects in Brazil. Aparentemente, la carretera partirá en dos el Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure (TIPNIS), que ocupa un millón de hectáreas ricas en flora y fauna y habitadas por varias etnias amazónicas. Apparently, the road split in two Isiboro Secure National Park (TIPNIS), which covers one million hectares rich in flora and fauna, and inhabited by various ethnic groups in the Amazon.
To date, the government has responded to this complex situation by alternately seeking to discredit and defy the road’s critics. In addition to accusing environmental NGOs and community leaders of manipulating their constituents, Morales has stated that anyone who is against the road is an “enemy of Bolivia.”
“I want to say to the so-called defenders of the environment,” he warned last June, “that whether they like it or not, we’re going to build this highway and we’re going to deliver it under my administration.”