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Reply #1: Jorge Noguera, Colombia's Domestic Intelligence Chief, Convicted Of Criminal Conspiracy [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-11 03:35 PM
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1. Jorge Noguera, Colombia's Domestic Intelligence Chief, Convicted Of Criminal Conspiracy
Jorge Noguera, Colombia's Domestic Intelligence Chief, Convicted Of Criminal Conspiracy
By LIBARDO CARDONA 09/14/11 01:47 PM ET

BOGOTA, Colombia -- Colombia's Supreme Court convicted a former director of the country's domestic intelligence agency Wednesday of criminal conspiracy for colluding with illegal far-right militias, sentencing him to 25 years in prison.

Jorge Noguera was chief of the country's Administrative Department of Security, known as the DAS, under former President Alvaro Uribe from 2002 to 2005. Prosecutors tried him in connection with the killing of leftist activists and labor union leaders and said he had shared lists of the activists with right-wing death squads. The court announced its verdict Wednesday but didn't release a written decision.

Noguera resigned from the DAS in 2005 amid reports that the agency was infiltrated by the illegal militias, known as paramilitaries. Shortly after his resignation, Uribe stirred more criticism by appointing Noguera as Colombia's consul-general in Milan, Italy.

The conviction tightens pressure on Uribe, who has steadfastedly defended his former spy chief while watching other allies come under legal scrutiny.

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