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'Paramilitaries preparing to attack north Colombia humanitarian zone' [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-11 01:20 AM
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'Paramilitaries preparing to attack north Colombia humanitarian zone'
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'Paramilitaries preparing to attack north Colombia humanitarian zone'
Friday, 23 September 2011 10:46
James Bargent

Paramilitary forces have been mobilizing to launch an assault on communities in humanitarian zones in northern Colombia, according to community representatives.

Self-Determining Communities, Life, Dignity (CAVIDA) released a statement saying reliable sources had informed them paramilitaries were gathering in towns near the humanitarian zones of Nueva Vida and Nueva Esperanza en Dios in the region of Uraba.

The humanitarian zones at Nueva Vida and Nueva Esperanza en Dios were set up by people displaced by paramilitaries in 1997 who have since returned to the land. The zones are supposed to be demilitarized.

CAVIDA claim that approximately 100 paramilitaries are already in the town of Carmen del Darien in Choco, while in the Antioquian towns of Turbo, Apatado and Chigorodo they are recruiting local youths for the assault, paying them approximately $420 each.

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