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Bogota mayor candidate's advisers quit after spin doctor hiring [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-11 11:41 PM
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Bogota mayor candidate's advisers quit after spin doctor hiring
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Bogota mayor candidate's advisers quit after spin doctor hiring
Monday, 26 September 2011 16:02
Alice Boyd

The hiring of a controversial Venezuelan spin doctor has caused Bogota mayoral campaign advisers to quit, Caracol Radio reported Monday.

Green Party candidate Enrique Peñalosa recently hired J.J. Rendon as his campaign strategist. The controversial announcement resulted in the retirement of two senior advisers from his political campaign.

Analyst and consultant Hector Riveros announced his decision to quit Monday due to his conviction that associating the campaign with a person as polemic as Rendon would be inconvenient and negative.

Rendon previously worked as a campaign strategist for Juan Manuel Santos and was accused of conducting a "dirty war" to discredit his opponents.

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