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Castro calls Obama stupid, slams Cuba policy [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-29-11 01:17 PM
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Castro calls Obama stupid, slams Cuba policy
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Source: CNN

Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro lashed out at U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday for demanding changes on the island in order to improve bilateral relations and referred to him as "stupid."


He went on to say many things would change in Cuba, but only thanks to their own efforts and "despite" the United States. "Perhaps that empire will collapse first," he added.

He also slammed a recent ruling by a U.S. judge against a Cuban agent, but he said it was to be expected.

"Otherwise, the empire would cease to be the empire and Obama would cease to be stupid."

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