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Fifty-two dead bodies taken to Caracas morgue last weekend [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 08:43 AM
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Fifty-two dead bodies taken to Caracas morgue last weekend
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According to unofficial figures, 52 dead bodies were deposited in the morgue of Bello Monte, Caracas, last weekend.

Gerardo José Sánchez, 20, was killed as he left a party in the poor neighborhood of Petare, eastern Caracas. A group of criminals shot him several times. He died on Sunday, October 2, at 6:30 a.m.

Gandi Sánchez, the victim's mother, said that the phone of her son is missing. "This death will go unpunished as many others. It is sad, but that is what we are living in Venezuela", she said.

The previous weekend, in September 23-25, 43 dead bodies were taken to Caracas morgue.
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