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Cuba Denounces US Denial to Reveal Facts About Cubana Plane Attack [View All]

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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-11 05:45 AM
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Cuba Denounces US Denial to Reveal Facts About Cubana Plane Attack
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Havana, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) The U.S. Government's denial to release information, compiled by the CIA, related to those responsible for the terrorist attack to a Cubana Airlines plane in October 1976, was denounced by Cuba's Granma newspaper on Tuesday.

Cubans in Nicaragua Claim Justice for Barbados Crime

"Why did the United States tell Venezuela they did not have any information on the October 6, 1976 events that could be used during the trial against the masterminds of the attack?", underlined Granma's article after presenting extracts of reports of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The article, entitled "What did George Bush know about the Cubana Plane attack in October 1976?", reproduces extracts of a more comprehensive article published in May 2006.

During a hearing at the U.S Senate in September 1988, 12 years after the 73 occupants of the Cubana plane died, Democrat Senator representing Iowa, Tom Harkin, asked the then vice president about his investigations on the participation of Posada Carriles in the attack.

Granma article here : Why is the U.S. government refusing to hand over the satellite footage of February 24, 1996? Why the U.S. media silence about such a scandalous event?

GERARDO Hernández Nordelo, one of the Cuban Five incarcerated in the United States, has submitted a request for habeas corpus relief on the basis of new evidence.

The case of Gerardo, sentenced to two life terms plus 15 years, is highly significant in demonstrating that a number of U.S. administrations are not prepared to review the trial proceedings, however much evidence emerges of illegal methods utilized to condemn the detainees.

Richard Klugh, a member of the Five’s defense team, has exposed the fact that the U.S. government is still refusing to present documented evidence asked for in order to clarify exactly what happened concerning the downing of two light aircraft on February 24, 1996. Access to material compiled by investigators at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was not allowed to be presented before the Miami District Court 15 years ago, and the new demand from Gerardo’s defense attorney has also been refused.

This position of refusing to allow anyone else to see evidence only known to Washington which, in its submission of 123 pages and three appendices against Gerardo, barely mentions the issue in a twisted five-line paragraph, is highly suspicious.
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