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Chile student demonstrations toll: 250 arrests, 30 injured; Unions call for national shutdown [View All]

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-07-11 06:21 PM
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Chile student demonstrations toll: 250 arrests, 30 injured; Unions call for national shutdown
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By Associated Press, Updated: Friday, October 7, 12:38 PM

SANTIAGO, Chile — Chile’s union and student leaders called Friday for shutting down the nation’s economy for a day in response to a police crackdown on education reform demonstrations that resulted in more than 250 arrests and left 30 people injured.

Arturo Martinez, who runs the CUT labor coalition, set the nationwide strike for Oct. 19. By his side was student leader Camila Vallejo, who accused the government of letting police attack peaceful marchers Thursday in violation of Chile’s constitution.

But the government warned that it will respond firmly to any violence stemming from mass protests ...
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