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MEXICO: At least 10 more bodies found in Veracruz [View All]

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-08-11 04:46 PM
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MEXICO: At least 10 more bodies found in Veracruz
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REPORTING FROM MEXICO CITY -- Mexican authorities say they have found 10 more bodies in the port city of Veracruz, adding to scores of dead there in recent weeks as drug violence rages.

Veracruz officials said in a statement late Friday night that seven bodies had turned up in a pickup truck in a Laguna Real neighborhood on the edge of the city. Three others were found in a separate section called Colinas de Santa Fe. Mexican media reports Saturday said the three bodies had been tossed in the street.

The latest discoveries bring to more than 90 the number of killings in the busy port city in recent weeks. Veracruz, on the Gulf of Mexico, has been beset by escalating violence at the hands of rival armed groups ...

The Mexican government this week announced a military-led crackdown in Veracruz. On Friday, navy officials said they had arrested eight members of the "Zeta killers" believed to have taken part in the recent carnage, including dumping 35 bodies on a busy street in the community of Boca del Rio, a favorite stopover for Mexican tourists. Naval officials Friday also announced the capture of 12 suspects identified as members of the Zetas ...
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