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Reply #1: Nope, I'm not clicking on a New York Slimes link. They are one of the entities that [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-15-11 10:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. Nope, I'm not clicking on a New York Slimes link. They are one of the entities that
need to be "Wall Street occupied."

It might be an instructive game to guess at WHY the Slimes is publishing the information that they are publishing but they are so unreliable and so tainted that we really need to be careful about believing ANYTHING they assert. For instance, the first question to ask is: Is it true that any "UN peacekeepers" are being withdrawn from Haiti? It wouldn't surprise me to find out that this assertion is simply not true. It could be Pentagon deck shuffling. It could be an outright lie. Probably, there is some truth to it, since it obviously comes from a UN fax, not the Pentagon (in so far as I can tell from the above), but who is leaving (which country's troops) and why, and are they being replaced, say, with U.S. private military 'contractors,' say, to protect U.S. corporate contract vampires sucking on those billions in international aid that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush control? Then, the more subtle disinformation tactics need to be examined, for instance, their blase assumption that 10,600 U.N. troops in Haiti is somehow "normal." Is the "new normal" 10,600 (or so) U.N./U.S. troops in any country bereft enough to bend over and/or any country of strategic importance to the U.S. and its Corporate Rulers whose rich elite has been bought and paid for? We should NOT presume that, because these are "UN peacekeepers," the U.S. is not calling the shots. In Haiti, the U.S. absolutely is doing so, including rigging elections and controlling the aid money. The people of Haiti have NOT been consulted about ANY of this. Their wishes have been deliberately and systematically ignored and defied.

I thank you for bearing the stench of a Slimes 'news' article to alert us to their wish to disinform us about Haiti, at this juncture. If you want to post more of it, or delve into the muck yourself to try to grasp the truth of the situation--why they are emitting these noxious bubbles at this time--it might be worth some analysis. The main thing is: BE WORRIED. When the Slimes signal "interest," people die, people starve to death, people are brutally oppressed. Something's up. But what?
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