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Reply #1: Colombian opposition says illegal wiretaps continue [View All]

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cqo_000 Donating Member (118 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-17-11 12:26 AM
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1. Colombian opposition says illegal wiretaps continue
Colombian opposition says illegal wiretaps continue
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 05:59
Adriaan Alsema

Colombian opposition party Polo Democratico (PDA) said Monday the country's police and intelligence agency DAS are continuing to illegally wiretap opposition politicians.

Senator Alexander Lopez, spokesman of the socialist PDA said he has seven witnesses who corroborate the party's claims that DAS director Felipe Muñoz is informed about the alleged illegal wiretapping practices and a "smear campaign" against the opposition party.

According to Lopez, the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos is "showing that everything is the same as with the government of Uribe" by allowing the intelligence chief to stay on.
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