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Venezuela court puts in doubt presidential bid [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-17-11 07:25 PM
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Venezuela court puts in doubt presidential bid
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CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) —
The Supreme Court dismissed as "unfeasible" a decision issued last month by the Costa Rica-based Inter-American Court of Human Rights that demanded Venezuelan electoral officials allow Leopoldo Lopez to run for office.

The former Caracas district mayor was on a list of politicians blacklisted due to corruption investigations, but he insists he is innocent and notes he was never sentenced in a court.

In upholding his disqualification from holding office, the Supreme Court appeared to deal a significant blow against a promising opponent of President Hugo Chavez. Yet in a ruling that left much uncertain, the court also said Lopez is still able to be a candidate if he chooses.

Supreme Court president Luisa Estella Morales told reporters that Lopez "can freely sign up and participate in elections," including next year's presidential vote. But Morales declined to answer whether Lopez would be allowed to hold office if he were elected president.

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