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OAS Overturned Haitian Presidential Election in a "Political Intervention," New CEPR Paper Suggests [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-17-11 11:48 PM
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OAS Overturned Haitian Presidential Election in a "Political Intervention," New CEPR Paper Suggests
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OAS Overturned Haitian Presidential Election in a "Political Intervention," New CEPR Paper Suggests
Statistical Analysis Shows that OAS Action Was Inconsistent with Election Data
October 17, 2011

Washington, D.C. - An Organization of American States (OAS) Mission overturned the results of the first round of Haiti’s presidential elections last year, despite that it had no statistical evidence to do so, a new Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) paper finds.

“The OAS’ actions in taking the unprecedented step of overturning an election, without a recount or evidence for its action, casts serious doubt on the institution’s credibility as an independent, neutral arbitrator or election observer,” CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot said. “It’s difficult to see this as anything other than a political intervention.”

Weisbrot added: “Any government considering having the OAS involved in their election in any way should reconsider until the organization has conducted an investigation of their abuses in Haiti and taken steps to make sure that this can’t happen again.”

Weisbrot noted that the purpose of the CEPR paper was not to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Haiti’s government, nor to provide evidence as to who should have been elected president. Rather, the purpose was to investigate whether the OAS had any statistical or empirical basis for its unprecedented action in reversing the election results.

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