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Bolivians rebuke Morales in judicial ballot [View All]

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-18-11 07:39 AM
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Bolivians rebuke Morales in judicial ballot
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Most Bolivians who voted in Sunday's election to choose the country's top judges cast invalid ballots in what would be a stinging rebuke for President Evo Morales, according to unofficial partial results.

If the results hold, it would the first defeat at the polls for the leftist coca-grower's union leader of his nearly six-year presidency.

Official results were not expected for at least five days in the vote for 56 judgeships on Bolivia's top four tribunals, including its supreme and constitutional courts.

But an unofficial count by the Ipsos, Opinion y Mercado polling firm found 61 percent of voters cast ballots that were either null or blank. It said its count was based on 75 percent of the vote.

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