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'Parapoliticians' arrested in northwest Colombia [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-19-11 10:09 PM
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'Parapoliticians' arrested in northwest Colombia
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'Parapoliticians' arrested in northwest Colombia
Wednesday, 19 October 2011 07:59
Toni Peters

Nine politicians, including three former mayors, are arrested for alleged links to paramilitaries in northwest Colombia, Colombian media reported Wednesday.

Three former mayors, one former deputy, one demobilized paramilitary fighter, one councilor, a candidate for the assembly of the department of Cordoba, and two former municipality officials were arrested for links to the AUC paramilitary group and for being part of the "Pacto de Marisco" with the former paramilitary leader Fredy Rendon Herrera, alias "El Aleman."

The alleged para-politicians will be transferred to Bogota. They will be placed before a prosecutor of the national anti-terrorism unit, the judicial authority which ordered the arrest warrants.

According to Caracol Radio, many of those captured were candidates for political posts in the upcoming October 30 elections.

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