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Argentina expected to give Fernández de Kirchner historic re-election win [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-19-11 11:58 PM
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Argentina expected to give Fernández de Kirchner historic re-election win
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Argentina expected to give Fernández de Kirchner historic re-election win
President's popularity has left opposition candidates in state of resignation
SOLEDAD GALLEGO-DÍAZ / EL PAÍS - Buenos Aires / Madrid - 19/10/2011

Argentineans will go to the polls on Sunday in an election that could give President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner an historic re-election sweep, with race results not seen since the return of democracy in 1983.

The latest polls show that Fernández could garner between 53 and 55 percent of the popular vote - higher than the 51.7 percent Radical Civic Party candidate Raúl Alfonsín received in 1983, and just below what Hipólito Yrigoyen got in the 1920s. General Juan Domingo Perón holds the vote-gleaning record of 62 percent for one election.

Over the past two months, the campaign has been a lack-luster one due to frustration among opposition candidates, who have been set back by Fernández's approval ratings. In August, during a national primary to select the top candidates, the president easily placed first, 38 points ahead of her nearest contender.

Despite her popularity, over the past few weeks Fernández has had to reduce her public appearances. Bouts of hypertension and then the unexpected death of her sister-in-law's boyfriend has forced her off the campaign trail.

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