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Brazil's social miracle turns poor into consumers [View All]

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-11 11:21 PM
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Brazil's social miracle turns poor into consumers
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For decades, Brazil's poor had little else to cling to than their meager possessions and scant hopes for a better future. But a government program now is helping lift tens of millions in dire need out of poverty, in the process creating a vast new Brazilian consuming class.

"I can buy things with that money: clothes, shoes, I pay for services, and the best thing: I was able to buy roof tiles, and put a proper roof on my home," Maria Alves, 45, an illiterate mother of six, one of Brazil's newly-enabled consumers, told AFP.

There are 13 million families in poverty now receiving a government subsidy in Brazil, Latin America's emerging economic and political giant, in what many studies call a huge leftist government success story. The Family Basics subsidy, as the program is called, is geared toward Brazilians whose income is between 39-78 dollars per person, providing an average subsidy of 75 dollars -- perhaps a bit more, depending on the number of children in the home.

With 190 million people in a sprawling, continent-sized country, Brazil boasts that it was able to lift out of poverty 30 million people during the 2003-2010 government of ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

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