...but we have quite a lot of democracy work to do before it will--beginning, in my opinion, with ridding ourselves of the corporate-controlled 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines, which were installed all over the U.S. during the 2002 to 2004 period (and now have a full lock on U.S. voting results). That coup was specifically inflicted upon us to continue the Forever War, keep the war profiteers in filthy lucre and expand U.S. war crimes for corporate gain, to many additional countries. It was bad enough to be told that "we need to look forward not backward" on the crimes of the rich and powerful and that "impeachment is off the table." It's yet worse to realize the continuity of crime among our political leadership. Lately, President Obama didn't even bother to consult a warmonger Congress about drone-bombing Libyans; didn't even bother to lie about it. War by presidential fiat is now the norm, without the slightest nod to the Constitution. Though the Bush Junta was far bloodier, the precedents that Obama is setting are very ominous.
And will ANY of the death and destruction that the U.S. has rained down on other people--numerous assassinations without benefit of trial, wholesale bombing and slaughter, torture and other horrors--ever be dealt with in a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission," even a weak one, or a court of law, here or anywhere?
I'm just shaking my head, that possibility is so remote at present. We have lost our power as a People--even to the very counting of our votes, the most basic mechanism of democracy. And with no "people power," we have no law.
It is truly a joy to see democracy working somewhere else--on this matter, and so many others. We need to pay attention to how this is being accomplished in Latin America. There are lessons for us. One of them is that we must never give up--as the Latin Americans are proving every day. After decades and centuries of oppression--lately by our own Corporate Rulers, fascists and militarists--they are achieving what we can only dream of, at this point: government of, by and for the people; government with a memory; government that truly serves all.