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Venezuela arrests Colombian drug lord 'Valenciano' . [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-28-11 02:55 PM
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Venezuela arrests Colombian drug lord 'Valenciano' .
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Venezuela arrests Colombian drug lord 'Valenciano' .
Monday, 28 November 2011 08:57
Tim Hinchliffe

Venezuelan officials have captured Colombian crime boss Maximiliano Bonilla, alias "Valenciano," reported Colombian media Monday.

The leader of the warring drug trafficking organization "Oficina de Envigado" was arrested in the city of Maracay, some 80 miles from the capital Caracas.

According to newspaper El Tiempo, Colombian intelligence officials worked together with Venezuelan police to arrest the crime boss.

The Oficina de Envigado, founded by the legendary Pablo Escobar, split into two factions after the 2008 extradition of "Don Berna," who ran the Medellin-based organization after Escobar's death.

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