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Politicians accused of cashing in on Colombian narco-goods [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-29-11 01:15 PM
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Politicians accused of cashing in on Colombian narco-goods
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Politicians accused of cashing in on Colombian narco-goods
Tuesday, 29 November 2011 11:56
Jean Carrere

Fourteen Colombian politicians were accused on Tuesday of abusing their power to influence the national drugs enforcement agency, DNE.

It's alleged the suspects, which include former heads of Congress and a former president of the Senate, tried to convince DNE directors to hand over property and assets seized from drug traffickers to the politicians' friends and family.

The Prosecutor's General Office has launched an investigation into the scandal, which implicates former heads of congress Hernan Andrade and Luis Humberto Gomez Gallo, and former president of senate Javier Caceres.

Andrade denied the allegations Tuesday, saying "There was no influence peddling and favoritism for any family."

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