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BOLIVIA-WB: New Strategic Partnership Will Benefit 3 Million Bolivians in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-01-11 04:54 PM
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BOLIVIA-WB: New Strategic Partnership Will Benefit 3 Million Bolivians in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas
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BOLIVIA-WB: New Strategic Partnership Will Benefit 3 Million Bolivians in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas
Press Release No:2012/178/LAC

Improvements in Road Infrastructure, Access to Health, Water and Sanitation Services, Agricultural Technology

LA PAZ, December 1, 2011 – The World Bank (WB) Board of Directors approved a new Strategic Partnership with Bolivia today, which, seeking clear results, will guide the elaboration of programs and investment projects until the year 2015 while benefiting around 3 million people directly and indirectly, most of them from the poorest sectors of society.

The partnership will help at least one million agricultural producers increase their income and leave extreme poverty behind. Furthermore, it is estimated that two million inhabitants of El Alto, La Paz and rural areas will benefit from improved road infrastructure on the San Buenaventura-Ixiamas stretch in the northern Amazon sector of La Paz department, and enhanced roads in Oruro, Cochabamba, La Paz, Tarija and Santa Cruz departments.

The strategy also seeks to contribute to human development with maternal and child health care and water and sanitation infrastructure for almost one million people. Moreover, it will back the State’s decentralization and autonomy agenda, as well as the National Planning System.

According to Bolivia’s Development Planning Minister, Viviana Caro, “the Strategy’s results-based implementation approach will allow it to monitor project execution and measure its impact on the country’s development objectives”.

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