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Reply #1: School of the Americas Graduate Responsible for Priest Murders Found in U.S. [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-03-11 01:03 AM
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1. School of the Americas Graduate Responsible for Priest Murders Found in U.S.
School of the Americas Graduate Responsible for Priest Murders Found in U.S.

WASHINGTON ? The shocking event that galvanized opposition to the U.S. relationship with Central American death squads and that sparked the movement to close the U.S. Army School of the Americas is making headlines again. Former Salvadoran army officer Gonzalo Guevara Cerritos, convicted for the 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests, a housekeeper and her 14-year-old daughter, was arrested by federal agents on October 18 in Los Angeles, California.

Gonzalo Guevara Cerritos, a sub-lieutenant in the notorious Atlacatl Battalion, took part in the November 16, 1989 massacre at the Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador. Less than a year before the brutal killings, Guevara Cerritos received military training at the U.S. Army School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Georgia.

A United Nations Truth Commission cited 26 Salvadoran officers for the 1989 "execution-style" massacre. Nineteen of those, including Guevara Cerritos, were trained at the School of the Americas, renamed in 2001 the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or WHINSEC. After its role in training human rights abusers came to light, Central Americans frequently dubbed the SOA the "School of Assassins.?

The SOA made headlines again in 1996 when the Pentagon released training manuals used at the school that advocated torture, extortion and execution. Despite this shocking admission and hundreds of documented human rights abuses connected to soldiers trained at the institution, no independent investigation into the training facility has ever taken place.


In pictures: El Salvador remembers
El Salvador is marking the 20th anniversary of the Jesuit Massacre of 1989, when government troops murdered six prominent priests, their housekeeper and her daughter. (Words and pictures: Steve O'Hagan)
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