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Reply #1: The accusations against Lupi: [View All]

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-06-11 12:17 PM
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1. The accusations against Lupi:
Edited on Tue Dec-06-11 12:30 PM by ocpagu
- Taking ride in a private plane.
- Preferential treatment of NGOs.

That would be routine in any public office.

One of the 6 ministers that resigned was in fact fired by Dilma for ideological reasons. The other 5 fell to corruption allegations in the middle of a war involving the government and the press.

None of the allegations have so far been proved. The same will happen to Lupi.

The ones accusing Lupi?

The Brazilian corporate press. Several American lef-wingers know how biased is their press and that there's always some kind of interest when they're involved with politics. And they're right. What many of them don't know is how much more balanced and responsible their press is when compared to Brazil's.

The press in Brazil has been controlled, for almost a century, by four aristocratic and criminal families. The Civitas, the Marinhos, the Frias and the Mesquitas. They are called "PIG", Partido da Imprensa Golpista (Pro-coup Press Party)

Courrier International, a magazine of French Newspaper "Le Monde", has writen an article about the government x press war in Brazil. You can read it here (in French):

As the Courrier puts:

"Quatre grandes familles se partagent le contrôle des principaux médias : les Marinho, propriétaires du quotidien de Rio O Globo et de la toute-puissante Télé Globo ; les Mesquita de O Estado de São Paulo ; les Frias, de Folha de São Paulo ; et les Civita, de la maison d’édition Abril, éditeur du principal hebdomadaire, Veja. Ces grandes familles ne se sont jamais remises de l’élection de Lula, ce président peu instruit, venu d’un Etat pauvre et issu du syndicalisme."

"Four big families share among them the control of the most important media: the Marinhos, owners of the daily "O Globo" and the powerful "Globo TV"; the Mesquitas, owners of "O Estado de São Paulo"; the Frias, owners of "Folha de São Paulo"; and the Civitas, owner of the publishing and printing company "Abril", which publishes the most relevant magazine, "Veja". These families have never accepted the election of Lula, a president with little formal education, born in a poor state, and coming from the Unions."

"Recently, the media has launched a campaign against Dilma, Lula's protegée, hoping to take the Worker's Party from the presidency."

As the Brazilian journalist Paulo Henrique Amorim puts, the four families "historically defends coup d'états whenever the Brazilian President is not elected from among members of the ruling elites." They "helped to kill Getúlio Vargas", and continued their "struggle against democracy throughout the governments of Juscelino Kubitscheck and João Goulart, when finally "it openly defended and promoted the Brazilian military coup of March 1964"

The four families supported the military dictactorship, not only by the use of their mediatic apparatus, but also financing repressive militias to kill and torture citizens opposed to the military dictactorship.

The newspaper "Folha de São Paulo" lent the company's cars to be used to transport civilians to session tortures and "disappearings". A former jornalist of the newspaper, Elio Gaspari, has revealed this.

The Globo organizations had an active participation in finacing and supporting the military junta. Until the early 1990s, they still called the military coup of "Glorious Revolution".

The "Abril" publishing house is by far the worst - and the one responsible for the accusations against Lupi. Abril is a facist company. Literally. They are partially owned by NASPERS, the South-African multinational responsible for financing the Apartheid for decades. Abril is involved in dozens of corruption scandals and were expelled from several countries - including Argentina and the United States - for active corruption. They've been financed by the oppoistion party, PSDB, which uses public money to buy almost 1/4 of the company's total output and is also the biggest annunciator of Abril.

These are the ones accusing Lupi of "corruption" for taking a ride in an airplane...

Buy it if you want. I don't.

Lupi, which was appointed by Lula to the Ministry of Labor during his government and helped create 19 MILLION jobs commited two mistakes: making the Worker's Party more popular among the population and defying the status quo of the cast society of Brazil.
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