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Reply #7: Perhaps we have different perceptions of what corruption means. [View All]

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-06-11 04:31 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Perhaps we have different perceptions of what corruption means.
Edited on Tue Dec-06-11 04:36 PM by ocpagu
You've mentioned the dismiss of 7 ministers of Dilma's government.

The reason behind the resignation of each one of the 6 ministers (Nelson Jobim was dismissed for other reasons) accused of "corruption" is... lobby. In Brazil, we call it "corruption", in the US government it would be a perfect legal practice. The 6 of them would still be in power.

So, we'll definetely have to disagree about that.

Though, I believe you're right when you say there are better examples. The connection Dick Cheney/Hally Burton/War on Iraq shows that quite well.

But... invading a country, killing some dozens of thousands of civilians, overthrowing a government to get profitable oil contracts... is that any better than the "common practice" of corruption in Latin America?

I really don't think so.
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