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Reply #12: They resigned to spare the government of the political use of these supposed corruption scandals... [View All]

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-06-11 10:26 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. They resigned to spare the government of the political use of these supposed corruption scandals...
... but none of the ministers is currently facing any kind of legal charges. None of them is being investigated. Why? Because each one of the accusations ended up being... only accusations. They were not made by officials, they were not based in proofs of any kind, they were not presented to prosecutors or to fiscalization agencies. ALL of them were done by an oppositionist press which has the terrible habit of comndening people before judgement.

All the 6 ministers that resigned have served for years in their cabinets under Lula's government. And no accusations were ever made against them in this period. So, what happened? They've all decided to become corrupted at the sime time in the following year after Lula left the government? Don't you find that at least weird?
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