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Reply #14: Now you're questioning law enforcement in Brazil? [View All]

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 12:48 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. Now you're questioning law enforcement in Brazil?
Edited on Wed Dec-07-11 12:50 AM by ocpagu
You see, I could take moral lessons of Brazil (or any Latin American country, for that matter) being corrupted or suffering with an "impunity culture" from citizens from most countries. Yours DEFINETELY is not among them.

The Dick Cheney/Halliburton/Oil looting/Iraq War episode is probably the most disgusting act of corruption/deception/looby (all together) practiced by a top official in the history of mankind.

Was Dick Cheney arrested? Was he prosecuted? Was he at least investigated?

What about the Wall Street gangsters and their fabricated financial crisis which caused damages in global proportions?

Were they prosecuted? Were they arrested? Did they have their money confiscated?

Or were they granted public money by US government to pay for their irresponsability and save their personal patrimony, at the cost of the working class?

What about Bush?

Seriously. Get a grip.
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