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Reply #4: Ramon Saul Sanchez has spent his adult years making an ass of himself, [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 10:14 PM
Response to Original message
4. Ramon Saul Sanchez has spent his adult years making an ass of himself,
trying to advance the demands of the original "exiles" who want NOTHING more than to overthrow the revolution, and re-seize the government, and reinstate the racist, corrupt way of living for the Spanish-descended Cubans who created the conditions which triggered not one but two revolutions.

You may remember this tool from the videos of retrieval of Elian by the US government after his drunken uncle Lazaro refused to surrender the child after the court ruled against him. Ramon Saul Sanchez claimed the agents beat and mashed him into a pile of goo, and insisted he had to have his gigantic head heavily bandaged, so much that he looked like a giant Q-Tip. He made sure the photographers got a photo of him lying on the ground with his head in a woman's lap. Ha ha ha. What a cheap dirt bag.

Why doesn't he get a date the normal way?

When ever there's a camera around people have to beat Ramon Saul Sanchez away with a ball bat. He LIVES for attention.

He looks more drunk than injured.

All dressed in white for his fast, which he surrendered, claiming his terms had been met. Ha ha ha.$599x0.jpg

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